Seal Deal: Alabama seal deal for top talented man

Nate Oats’ contract extension makes him one of the NCAA’s top paid coaches.
The agreement allegedly places Coach Oats among the top five college coaching salaries.
Today, Alabama supporters received disturbing news (or news that made many of us stop), when the Michigan Wolverines finally ended Juwan Howard’s terrible stint.

Michigan responded fast, showing a desire to get ahead of the usual March coaching search. However, these are not the only desired location for which people are seeking. Louisville had booted the similarly horrible Kenny Payne out less than 24 hours before.


Coach Nate Oats’ name had already been linked to Louisville, and you have to imagine Michigan would be sniffing around as one of the few schools with the wherewithal to fund his already significant contract buyout.

Perhaps out of worry and unease over our newfound status as basketball national powerhouses, several brows began to furrow as the carousel began to spin; as if supporters couldn’t trust his dedication to the Capstone. Many people were concerned about if the administration’s commitment to Oats would be returned. This is all very new to us, and previous Alabama administrations have made no hint that basketball is a priority on campus.


So, set those concerns and doubts aside: Coach Oats is staying, having made a long-term commitment to the program he has established. Equally important, Alabama has finally decided to get serious about basketball.

“Alabama basketball head coach Nate Oats has signed a long-term contract extension that will make him one of the five highest-paid coaches in the country, according to a report from ESPN on Friday.”

According to reports, the agreement will propel Oats into the top five in coaching salaries. At 49, he’s already well-paid and in the prime of his profession, indicating that he’ll be around for a long time.


We have always questioned “why not us?” in respect to this initiative.

Alabama is well-positioned to be a dominant participant on the national stage. The resources are there. The talent is there. The recruitment channels are in place. Fan support is present. The students are as loud as anyone in the country. The Southeastern Conference is currently one of the nation’s top basketball leagues.

All that was needed was a commitment from an interested suitor and an administration, and it appears that both have finally reached an agreement.

Does this imply that Nate Oats will spend 30 years at Alabama before leaving like our own Coach K or Dean Smith? No, absolutely not. However, it means that there are now just a few programs in the country — the bluest of the Blue Bloods — that could or would consider such a large purchase. Honestly, if Kansas or Duke come calling in five years, you praise him for his accomplishments and wish him the best of luck in the future. However, this implies that lateral positions, commonly known as “basketball schools,” must seek employment elsewhere.

This is our coach. This is his program. Nick Saban’s enormous shadow no longer envelops him.

So why not us?

Roll, Tide! #BTDA

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